Market Opportunities for Sustainable Innovation in Africa

  • February 25, 2016

Thursday 25th February, 14:00- 15:00 GMT

Watch The Webinar Recording Now


“The Paris Climate agreement is not the end but the beginning of the road.”

Kofi Annan, Chair of the Africa Progress Panel


The outcome of COP21 has been hailed a success, providing the market certainty to begin to drive a global low carbon transition. $100 billion has been pledged annually to support this process in developing countries, boosting the opportunities for innovation where climate change mitigation and adaptation is most urgently required.

In regions of Africa climate change is already hindering sustainable development by contributing to reduced rainfall, warmer temperatures, flooding and the spread of water-borne diseases. Whilst Africa contributes relatively little to global greenhouse gas emissions, a lower adaptive capacity makes many regions more vulnerable to these impacts.

The $100 billion fund defined at COP21 will boost the huge finance and technology effort already underway in the region, where technology leapfrogging is providing tailored solutions to energy provision, agriculture and water management at both large and local scales throughout the continent.

This webinar, held ahead of the UN Environment Assembly this May, will bring together investors, policy makers and technology developers to explore the latest opportunities available across Africa and the progress being made towards a low carbon development trajectory.


Oliver Andrews, Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer, Africa Finance Corporation

Caroline Kende-Robb, Executive Director, Africa Progress Panel

Alloysius Attah, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Farmerline

Moderator: Anna Watson, Head of Conference Production, Climate Action

Discussion points

  • What are the most promising low carbon energy opportunities in Africa?
  • What other low carbon innovations are poised to increase climate resilience?
  • How will multilateral funders work together to facilitate climate investment?

Who should attend the webinar?

The webinar will be of relevance to the following industry areas operating in Africa:

  • National and regional policy makers
  • Technology developers
  • Private sector companies
  • Investors
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Renewable energy experts
  • Sustainable development agencies
  • Industry associations

Why attend?

  • Understand the latest low carbon investment opportunities in Africa
  • Learn about successful projects to date and how these can be scaled and replicated
  • Discover the ways in which policy makers plan to regulate and support emerging industries
  • Join the discussion on driving low carbon, sustainable development

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